
C. elegans Punctin specifies cholinergic versus GABAergic identity of postsynaptic domains
Pinan-Lucarré B, Tu H, Pierron M, Cruceyra PI, Zhan H, Stigloher C, Richmond JE, Bessereau JL. C. elegans

PlexinA1 is a new Slit receptor and mediates axon guidance function of Slit C-terminal fragments
Delloye-Bourgeois C, Jacquier A, Charoy C, Reynaud F, Nawabi H, Thoinet K, Kindbeiter K, Yoshida Y, Zagar Y, Kong Y, Jones YE, Falk J, Chédotal A, Castellani V

Molecular Memory of Morphologies by Septins during Neuron Generation Allows Early Polarity Inheritance
Boubakar L, Falk J, Ducuing H, Thoinet K, Reynaud F, Derrington E, Castellani V

Novel homozygous missense variant of GRIN1 in two sibs with intellectual disability and autistic features without epilepsy
Rossi M, Chatron N, Labalme A, Ville D, Carneiro M, Edery P, des Portes V, Lemke JR, Sanlaville D, Lesca G

Bridging the Gap between Mechanics and Genetics in Cortical Folding: ECM as a Major Driving Force
Wianny F, Kennedy H, Dehay C

Regressive Autism Spectrum Disorder Expands the Phenotype of BSCL2/Seipin-Associated Neurodegeneration
Poisson A, Chatron N, Labalme A, Till M, Broussolle E, Sanlaville D, Demily C, Lesca G

Haploinsufficiency of autism spectrum disorder candidate gene NUAK1 impairs cortical development and behavior in mice
Courchet V, Roberts AJ, Meyer-Dilhet G, Del Carmine P, Lewis TL, Polleux F, Courchet J

Variation in dopamine genes influences responsivity of the human reward system
J-C Dreher, P. Kohn, B. Kolachana, D.R. Weinberger and K.F. Berman

Action planning in a virtual context after prefrontal cortex damage
Zalla T, Plassiart C, Pillon B, Grafman J, Sirigu A

«Cognitus & Moi»: A Computer-Based Cognitive Remediation Program for Children with Intellectual Disability
Demily C, Rigard C, Peyroux E, Chesnoy-Servanin G, Morel A, Franck N

The impact of cognitive remediation on cerebral activity in schizophrenia: Systematic review of the literature
Bon L, Franck N

Cognitive behavioral therapy in 22q11.2 microdeletion with psychotic symptoms: What do we learn from schizophrenia?
Demily C, Franck N

Is social cognitive training efficient in autism? A pilot single-case study using the RC2S+ program
Peyroux E, Franck N

Computer-based cognitive remediation program for the treatment of behavioral problems in children with intellectual disability: the «COGNITUS & MOI» study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Favre E, Peyroux E, Babinet MN, Poisson A, Demily C

Satisfaction and Needs in Serious Mental Illness and Autism Spectrum Disorder: The REHABase Psychosocial Rehabilitation Project
Franck N, Bon L, Dekerle M, Plasse J, Massoubre C, Pommier R, Legros-Lafarge E, Jaafari N, Guillard-Bouhet N, Quilès C, Couhet G, Verdoux H, Gouache B, Martin B, Cervello S, Demily C, Dubreucq J

A real-time 3D video tracking system for monitoring primate groups
32. Ballesta, S., Reymond, G., Pozzobon, M., and Duhamel, J.-R.

Compete to play: trade-off with social contact in long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis)
Ballesta, S., Reymond, G., Pozzobon, M., and Duhamel, J.-R.

High-Ranking Geladas Protect and Comfort Others After Conflicts
Palagi E, Leone A, Demuru E, Ferrari PF

Independent Neuronal Representation of Facial and Vocal Identity in the Monkey Hippocampus and Inferotemporal Cortex
Sliwa J, Planté A, Duhamel JR, Wirth S

Neonatal face-to-face interactions promote later social behaviour in infant rhesus monkeys
Dettmer A.M, Kaburu S.S.K, Simpson E.A., Paukner A., Sclafani V., Byers K.L., Murphy A.M., Miller M., Marquez N., Miller G.M., Suomi S.J., Ferrari P.F.

Mirror Neurons of Ventral Premotor Cortex Are Modulated by Social Cues Provided by Others’ Gaze
Coudé G., Festante F., Cilia A., Loiacono V., Bimbi M., Fogassi L., Ferrari P.F.

Gaze-informed, task-situated representation of space in primate hippocampus during virtual navigation
Wirth S, Baraduc P, Planté A, Pinède S, Duhamel JR

Reply to Cronin: Consistency between decision-making, gaze, and natural social behavior validates inferences on macaque social cognition
Ballesta, S., and Duhamel, J.-R

Face cells in orbitofrontal cortex represent social categories
Wirth S, Barat E, Duhamel JR

Implicit preference for human trustworthy faces in macaque monkeys
Costa, M., Gomez, A., Barat, E., Lio, G., Duhamel, J.-R, Sirigu, A

Schema cells in the macaque hippocampus
Baraduc P., Duhamel JR, Wirth S

Movement intention after parietal cortex stimulation in humans
Desmurget M, Reilly KT, Richard N, Szathmari A, Mottolese C, Sirigu A

A parietal-premotor network for movement intention and motor awareness
Desmurget M, Sirigu A

Effects of familiarization on odor hedonic responses and food choices in children with autism spectrum disorders
Luisier AC, Petitpierre G, Clerc Berod A, Garcia-Burgos D, Bensafi M

Brain dynamics of distractibility: interaction between top-down and bottom-up mechanisms of auditory attention
Bidet-Caulet A, Bottemanne L, Fonteneau C, Giard MH, Bertrand O

Adults with Autism Tend to Underestimate the Hidden Environmental Structure: Evidence from a Visual Associative Learning Task
Sapey-Triomphe LA, Sonie S, Henaff MA, Mattout J, Schmitz C

The Glasgow Sensory Questionnaire: Validation of a French Language Version and Refinement of Sensory Profiles of People with High Autism-Spectrum Quotient
Sapey-Triomphe L-A, Moulin A, Sonié S, Schmitz C

Visual Search for People Among People
Papeo L, Goupil N, Soto-Faraco S

Digit-tracking as a new tactile interface for visual perception analysis
Lio G, Fadda R, Doneddu G, Duhamel JR, Sirigu A

Visual and Hedonic Perception of Food Stimuli in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their Relationship to Food Neophobia
Luisier AC, Petitpierre G, Bérod AC, Richoz AR, Lao J, Caldara R, Bensafi M

Tactile hypersensitivity and GABA concentration in the sensorimotor cortex of adults with autism
Sapey-Triomphe LA, Lamberton F, Sonie S, Mattout J, Schmitz C

Prefrontal attentional saccades explore space rhythmically
C. Gaillard, S. Ben Hadj Hassen, F. Di Bello, Y. Bihan-Poudec, R. VanRullen, S. Ben Hamed

Promoting social behavior with oxytocin in high-functioning autism spectrum disorders
Andari E, Duhamel JR, Zalla T, Herbrecth E, Leboyer M, Sirigu A

Switching brain serotonin with oxytocin
Mottolese R, Redoute J, Costes N, Le Bars D, Sirigu A

C. elegans Punctin Clusters GABA(A) Receptors via Neuroligin Binding and UNC-40/DCC Recruitment
Tu H, Pinan-Lucarré B, Ji T, Jospin M, Bessereau JL

Testosterone causes both prosocial and antisocial status-enhancing behaviors in human males
Dreher JC, Dunne S, Pazderska A, Frodl T, Nolan J.J, O’Doherty J.P

Reply to Cronin: Consistency between decision-making, gaze, and natural social behavior validates inferences on macaque social cognition
Ballesta, S., and Duhamel, J.-R

Adaptive coding of the value of social cues with oxytocin, an fMRI study in autism spectrum disorder
Andari E, Richard N, Leboyer M, Sirigu A

The prominent role of serotonergic degeneration in apathy, anxiety and depression in de novo Parkinson’s disease
Maillet A, Krack P, Lhommée E, Météreau E, Klinger H, Favre E, Le Bars D, Schmitt E, Bichon A, Pelissier P, Fraix V, Castrioto A, Sgambato-Faure V, Broussolle E, Tremblay L, Thobois S

The two fold role of oxytocin in social developmental disorders: A cause and a remedy?
Lefevre A, Sirigu A

An Association Between Serotonin 1A Receptor, Gray Matter Volume, and Sociability in Healthy Subjects and in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Lefevre A, Mottolese R, Leboyer M, Geoffray MM, Sirigu A.

Oxytocin Fails to Recruit Serotonergic Neurotransmission in the Autistic Brain
Lefevre A, Mottolese R, Redouté J, Costes N, Le Bars D, Geoffray MM, Leboyer M, Sirigu A

Oxytocin and Serotonin Brain Mechanisms in the Nonhuman Primate
Lefevre A, Richard N, Jazayeri M, Beuriat PA, Fieux S, Zimmer L, Duhamel JR, Sirigu A
National specific learning differences awareness day (event in the Rhône)
The Rhône ‘DYS Day’ is coordinated by the charity ‘DYStinguons-nous’ with a programme of conferences and workshops as well as stands. Agenda to come…
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09October 2021
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National specific learning differences awareness day (event in the Rhône)
Hôtel de Région Auvergne Rhône Alpes
The Rhône ‘DYS Day’ is coordinated by the charity ‘DYStinguons-nous’ with a programme of conferences and workshops as well as stands. Agenda to come…